To be honest I am proactive and I also procrastinate. I guess I just worry to much and over think about way to many things. But I also use my time wisely and use it well. I may procrastinate but that doesn't mean I dont use my time with caution. I like the believe that all my time goes to use because I try to use all my time as much as I can till the last second; I could take a little time to think but when I'm done I go back and work.
When I have work to do I usually do my work then do what ever else I have to. On weekends I would do all the work like things on friday or Saturday morning. So in the afternoon or Sunday I can go out or have friends over. The balance between my productive and free time are pretty well evened out. I think the time I spend is used well according to work and free time.
Theres not much I think I would change about my habits because I spend my days well there full of work and play, mostly an even amount. What I do about my work habits is try to work wisely and try not to think about it to much. If I tried really hard and focused on the work I was doing then I'd finish it on about 20 min. Most of the time I'm working on school work or house chores and I almost always focusing on the important work but try to play to. I think my habits are good, I like how I spend my work time and my free time.